Monday, May 08, 2006


Serendipity is a wonderful word. Not only the nonsensical, melodious way it flows off the tongue but also the meaning of the word.

ser~en.dip.i~ty: noun. Etymology: from its possession by the heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.

When I attended college, this time of year always seemed so great! A renewal, a break in things that were getting old. A chance to start something new. A world pregnant with possibilities.

Maybe that is why now, as I teach full time, the very season I loved drags so much on my soul. I don’t like saying goodbye to great students, people I may never see again. I don’t like having one measly week off and then starting all over again.

Okay, so you get the idea. I have been feeling sorry for myself. When I do that I have a tendency to stay-up too late, not do the important things I need to do, drink and play too much and give myself more reasons to get pissed off at myself.

The last thing I wanted to do last week was post such shitty feelings on a blog so I didn’t. But today as I forced myself to get a few required things done I begin to feel better. So just to take a quick break I opened a beer, fired up the internet and begin to read a few of my favorite blogs.

If you haven’t had a chance to read May 6th then please do so. She knocked the feelings of melancholy and self-centered pity right up against the side of my head, just what I needed. Thank you.

I never got the chance to post the pictures of the great bookstore I wandered into in Baltimore, but strangely enough I did find one picture of a plaque outside the store. I’ve always been a sucker for good signage.Baltimore Bookstore PlaqueNow that I feel better I’ll get back to work.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Where am I?

Here are a few clues: I’m looking northwest toward downtown;
Looks like I must be almost as high as Quality Hill.

Hmmm, give up yet? The Spanish writing on the store across the street gives up a lot so you might have figured out I’m up on the hill in the Guadalupe district. But do you know which building? Let me tell you the story.

This picture was taken Easter Sunday. I know that day is time to be with family, to celebrate and worship together. Regretfully, I’m about the last of my line and Dulcinea’s family seems to be spread out all over the world these days; so for the first time in as long as I can remember we were alone for the Easter holiday. The Easter Bunny didn’t come to visit so we slept in late. It was a beautiful spring day. Feeling a bit lonely I remembered that The Blue Bird Bistro (on my all-time favorites list of restaurants) served a Sunday Brunch. A quick call ascertained they were open and serving a 10am – 2pm brunch.

The Blue Bird Bistro is on the southwest corner of 17th St. and Summit Ave. When it was called the Blue Bird Café it was an all vegetarian place that grew its own fresh herbs in a garden across the street. It now has a new owner and chef and it also serves free range poultry and beef and organically grown vegetables. And it is still fabulous!

The Blue Bird is in an old storefront with former living quarters above. Formally only the lower area was open to the public but now the upper story is being used to serve also. The restroom still has a cast iron tub. The walls are decorated with a local artists work. The picture above was taken out the second floor window of the Blue Bird Bistro.