Sunday, October 08, 2006

First Friday at the Crossroads

Perfect fall weather, almost a full moon, lots of new shows, music on every street corner, who could have planned a better First Friday at the Crossroads? And I think I had a great time. I really do.

It was the guy’s night out so I left Dulcinea back at the family manor; actually she decided to stay at work late to get caught up (should I have felt guilty?). At six pm sharp I was going to meet two old college chums, err…other knights, at the Cashew on 20th and Grand for drinks, view a few galleries and then a late dinner.

Being an expert procrastinator I arrived early at about 6:30 pm. The Crossroads were already seething with humanity. The Cashew was bursting at the seams with GROUPS of beautiful people and I was here solo, the loner. But I can handle that, an older gentlemen even gave up his seat at the bar for me, did I really look that needy?

Martini Numbero Uno; Damn that tasted good. My cell (mobile to you English) went off, I couldn’t hear the ring but I did feel the gentle vibration against my thigh. It was the guys telling me the soccer game was in overtime and they wouldn’t be here until 7:00pm.

Martini Numbero Dos; Feeling rather obviously alone, it seemed everywhere I turned my gaze it met another empty face looking back at me. I couldn’t take it any longer. A good friend I work with lives in a loft near the Cashew. So I trudged over and rang his code on the outside box. The noise coming out of the speaker was even louder than the bar, indicating a very good party was going on that I had not been invited to and I had no intention of crashing. I casually left the lofts and eased back into the Cashew (my seat was still open because I had failed to pay my tab before leaving).

Martini Numbero Tres; Another call, “Damn El Quijote, it is packed down here we can’t find any parking, we’ll have to park about ten blocks away and walk.”

“Okay, I’ll have a martini ready for you.” But thinking to myself, Sir Dense what did I just tell you!

Martini Numbero Quarto; I’m feeling no pain, in fact I think I may just crawl up on the bar and nap until they get here. Opps, they are here! With a couple of extra guys, short cropped hair, the perfect two day old beard stubble, tight t-shirts, ear rings and talking with lisps. Uh-oh.

So I start, “Hello, blab, blab… Nice to meet you….blab, blab,….Can I buy you a drink?”

“Oh, we aren’t drinking tonight.”

Well fuck me. I’ll match my drunken slur against your lisp any day. “Barkeep, give me a martini.” Martini Numbero Cinco.

You are probably getting the idea by now how my night went. But I went along and I had fun. I’m sure we looked at some great art. We ate. I’m sure it tasted good. I remember talking with my mouth full and really not giving a damn.

Then we all said our goodbyes and I think I drove home. I’m not proud of that, it took all the concentration this good knight could muster.

Yes, I think it must have been a fine First Friday.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Perfect Football Game

Saturday I was invited to Mizzou for the Tigers Big XII football opener against Colorado. It was a perfect day for a football game, sunny, slightly overcast, warm but not hot and beautiful fall foliage. The game was an early start at 11am and I also planned to tailgate with one of the business fraternities.

I had to get up earlier than I really wanted to on a Saturday to make it to Columbia in time for beer and burgers before the game. Actually, the Busch Light tasted good at 10am, so good in fact that we missed the kick-off. The beer bong was out and surprising to me more girls than guys were using it. But we did make it to the game.

It was good to see Missouri not only win but dominate a football game for a change. Colorado stayed within reach just enough to keep it interesting. After the game we had a few more beers and then dinner at Addison’s. We had planned to go to the Blue Note to hear a few bands, but I bailed out and made it back home to Kansas City by 10pm. Can’t party like I used too, I think my age is showing.