Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Construction Ahead...Slow

As you can see I didn't make any progress on re-establishing my blog over the holidays. I did have good intentions, I really did. It may be stop and go for a while but I'm still trying.

We are seriously into some winter weather here in Kansas City. The past few weeks we have seen snowstorms (almost a foot), bitter winds (below zero temperatures), and even freezing rain. The forecast for the rest of the week is for more of the same.

Teacher was out of school today due to the bad weather. I made it across town to the university and was only about thirty minutes late. From the number of cars in the ditch not everyone was so lucky.

Tonight Teacher cooked one of the best dinners I have had in a long time. She baked a whitefish called Swai over stewed tomatoes. The fish was very delicate and sweet. She also served a butternut squash risotto with Italian sausage. For a side she wilted fresh spinach. It was all so very delicious.

It was a colorful dish but regretfully I had eaten most of it before I even thought to take a picture. Maybe next time? Well, tomorrow is another winter day here in the Midwest. Snow anyone?

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