Monday, April 24, 2006

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there." Lewis Carroll

After I had been reading a few blogs from Kansas City (and other places) for about the past year I became interested in creating my own blog. Although I never found time to even read my favorite bloggers on a regular basis, I thought that once I committed myself to a blog I would find enough time to at least make a few reasonably timed posts. Wrong!

I suppose if I wanted a particular type of blog, or a certain audience, I would do better. But I’m not at all technically-mined, I’m the wrong sex for a mommy blog, I’m a rather poor writer, I don’t have in mind being either political or humorous. I think I just wanted to start for the fun of it, without an agenda of any kind and see what might happen.

I have noticed many blogs, especially in Kansas City, are political and/or angry and I find myself reading them and wanting to fire off angry messages to the comments section. And then there are those blogs that are personal and seem to either regurgitate the happenings of the day or go into detail why the writer is in the mood they are in. I often feel I am being a voyeur when I read them and I don’t want to be.

The blogs I like best are written by people that are doing interesting things and tell about it in an entertaining way, and bloggers that go though the day just having interesting thoughts and reactions to their world. I seem to prefer the more urban centered blogs. One of my favorites from the first day I read it has been me, myself + infrastructure; of course Tony’s of Kansas City always works for a good laugh and a bit of indignation and the informational bloggers like KCBlog.

Last night as it was raining and I was lying awake listening to the soft raindrops again the rooftop I suddenly thought of a delicious post about last Easter weekend; and then I fell asleep. Maybe next time?

Friday, April 14, 2006

And In The Beginning...

I enjoy reading Kansas City blogs. Some are humorous, many political, all opinionated, but lots of great reads. I have always wanted to expand my writing skills beyond begging for grant money. So I decided to join the land of blogging, it looks easy….wrong! Only the sign-up was easy and then I came to the “first post”. What can I say, what should I say, do I have anything to say? I think it is called freezing.

I had the misfortune to take a speech class my first semester in high school. The day of my first speech, and I have no memory of what it was about, I stood at the lectern a lowly eighth grader looking out on juniors and seniors. (Yes I was one of those poor souls subjected to the educational inquisition known as 8-5; eight years of elementary school and then directly into five years of high school. A cost cutting measure to eliminate middle schools. We were thrown right to the wolves. What I would have given for a Freshman Center.) Back to the speech. I think I did well the first three minutes and then I ran out of material and I froze… Deer in the headlights frozen. Later in the year our speech class put on a school assembly, as frozen boy I was assigned to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. With microphone in hand I started “I Pledge ….” Luckily, enough students knew the pledge that it drowned me out as I slowly lip-synched… I couldn’t remember the rest of the words. I froze on the Pledge of Allegiance. I remained frozen for the next two years.
Exit segue…

This is my first entry and I admire all you bloggers that have something to say and how elegantly you say it.
Pardon the mess…I‘m just moving in.
To be continued.