Saturday, November 25, 2006

Delayed Blog v1.0

A Wonderful Weekend

It all began on such a downbeat. I have never worked so long a stretch without a break. I was truly at my breaking point. And then the holidays came near.

Dulcinea had a weekend off. Friends from Columbia arrived in holiday spirit, as they had the total week off.

We did physical things. Yes, I finally finished the Little Blue Trace Bicycle Trail.

We drank too much at night; gin, rum, vodka, wine and even beer. Lots of beer.

We ate too much. Beef steak and mussels and clams.

I’m feeling so guilty relating this weekend of gastronomical depravity. And to top it off I’m going south tomorrow to visit my brothers, one I haven’t seen in many years. Should I feel so guilty for having so much fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guilty? Never!