Tonight I graduated from my Spanish I language class. Yes, I did; I even have a certificate to prove it. Since I have been traveling to Central America the last few years I thought it was about time I started to learn the language, instead of just winging it, or relying on sign language and friends.
It was only ten easy evening classes sponsored by the local school district. But I did learn a lot and I had a great time. The teacher was fantastic. He is a retired gentleman that is a linguist and has taught foreign languages his whole life. He teaches French, Spanish and Japanese. He has taught here in North America, Germany and Japan. What was best was his sense of humor, his funny stories and his ability to switch accents. One moment he would talk in a Scottish brogue and then slide effortlessly into prefect Spanish, then into a deep Ozark mountain twang and right on into French.
Tonight all the class met at El Maguey for a Tex-Mex dinner and celebration. I’ll miss my Monday night language lessons. Maybe they offer Spanish II.

Congrats! Learning Spanish is on my ongoing to-do list...one of these days!
Como esta usted? It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Is your school term about to come to an end? Are you surviving okay?
It is finals week here at good old UMKC. Tomorrow I give my last final and then I’ll be in joyous spirit until January 2.
Reading your blog always causes me to add to my, “I want to do… list”. I started bicycling thanks to you. Keep up the good work.
Merry Christmas!
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