Monday, April 30, 2007

The MisAdventures of El Quijote

The Quest of One Member of the Sub-Prime Generation to Restore Himself to Health, Wealth and Intellectual Curiosity

I know none of you asked for this but here it is anyway. The latest info on my quest to do something besides work, eat and sleep.

This morning was a true spring day, warm and sunny with a delightful breeze. I decided to begin my goal of eventually biking the Katy Trail by riding a bit of Kansas City’s Little Blue Trace. Dulcinea wanted to go, and as she had been out of commission with a broken foot since late winter, we decided to try only six miles. We made it. It was beautiful.

Species recognized: Wild phlox, cow pasley, red-wing blackbird, Canada geese, and soft-shell turtles (sunning themselves).

Saturday night I kicked off the intelligentsia portion of my quest by seeing Jean Renoir’s 1939 film masterpiece, “The Rules of the Game”. There I sat in the Tivoli watching a black and white French film with English sub-titles. I loved it; I left the theater more satisfied than I have from many recent films. And it did stimulate the evening’s conversation. The only downside was the woman behind me that had a difficult time recognizing the mood of the film. She kept laughing even when the film turned from comic to tragic. But then again, maybe she understood the French language and was picking up nuances I wasn’t. However, I don’t think so.

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