Sunday, September 09, 2007

The End of Summer

Summer is ending and it is time to get back to school.

I have returned after a summer of total debauchery in which I completely over indulged in hedonism and failed to accomplish any of the professional goals that I had set for myself. Now back to the rat race again.

However I am glad to be back even though I hate to see the summer end and I didn’t reach any of my goals that I set for myself. It always feels good to begin a new year. I like beginnings. The goals ahead for this term are the usual to do the best at my professional job and outside of my job to lead a more active and positive life to explore the world.

Blogging wise I will try to hone my writing skills. Posting more often hopefully with more authenticity and interest. Something someone may want to read?

And photography has always been a hobby of mine and I would like to get more involved.

Here is to a great year!

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