Thursday, June 11, 2009

On The Road

I am dedicating this summer to the “road trip”. Both in literature and in life. We used to move a lot when I was a kid because the type of work my Dad did. And I am feeling the call to travel again; for the first time in a long time I have the opportunity (read time and money).

My first trip will be to the old lake cottage in Minnesota. Someone in our family has been spending a summer there for the past 100 years. On the way up from Kansas City I will make it into a two day car trip. I will avoid the interstate and take the blue highways as William Least Heat Moon would do. For reading material I am taking along Jack Kerouac’s famous road trip novel On the Road and a new road novel by Jim Harrison, The English Major (to see my review visit GoodReads). I’ll be shopping at used bookstores along the way to find John Steinbeck’s Travels with Charlie.

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