Friday, September 29, 2006

Running Blog Thoughts. Vol. One

I never have anything to blog about. And I so want too. I’m beginning to see things in terms of possible blog entries.

Does blogging equal whining in public? I used to like to read Dooce, but now it seems as if she is one big whine.

Are pets a pain in the ass, or a little bit of heaven?

I will not be dragged into being a gripe ass political blog no matter how much our present national elected jerks continue to dismantle everything the United States of America has stood for the last two hundred and thirty years.

I will not rip the CO monitor out of the wall the next time it starts beeping in the wee hours of the morning. Or maybe I will.

Thanks, I’m feeling better already.

Actually, I’m feeling so good, mind if I continue for a while? (whining that is?)

Why did I feel bad last night, when the toothless woman knocked on my door at 8:30 pm and wanted to shampoo one room in my house for free? I actually listened to her spill until she said, “Oh, my name is Nikki, what’s yours?” Then I said, “No thanks, we don’t want any” and loosened the grip on the collar of my madly barking dog. Talk about a smile turning to a frown.

Hey, don’t look at me that way. I have enough of those ten dollar discount cards from “any merchant in town” peddled by the local “team” to feed and clothe an army.

I still miss the skinny little blonde girl that sold me the yellow trash bags to support her cheerleading squad. They were just perfect, and I bought them all through her middle school and high school years. I know she has graduated; yet when I run out of trash bags I often wonder what became of her.

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