Saturday, August 05, 2006

Over and Over Again, My Friend.

Fuck the Goal

I have to finally face reality with my web log. When I first started blogging I set a high goal for myself.

I wanted to be able to paint pictures with words just like the photographers I had traveled with in the Central American highlands. They were able to capture their subjects in photos. I wanted to expand on that and use a word palette to capture on paper the feelings, the words, the meaning of places. I have failed.

In the mean time they have succeeded in capturing on film (electrons) what I can’t seem to express in writing. I invite you to visit their websites. Some of you long time UMKC Kangaroos will know at least one of them.

In the mean time, I am resolving to continue my website. But don’t look for excellence or even mediocrity. It will just be me.

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